Natural bioactive molecules can relieve cold and flu symptoms - News-Medical.Net
Researchers at Applied Biological Laboratories Inc. discovered how natural bioactive molecules can effectively relieve cold and flu symptoms by protecting the mucosal barrier function and reducing inflammation during these infections. Together, they call these molecules, which include lysozyme and lactoferrin, the "Mucosal Immune Complex." The research, led by Nazlie Sadeghi-Latefi, PhD, highlights the importance of supporting mucosal barrier immunity to prevent and treat colds and flu. This work will be presented at the American Chemical Society Fall 2023 Meeting on August 15, 2023. Mucosal immunity is the body's first line of defense against invading pathogens, such as those causing the common cold and influenza. While the mucosal barrier functions primarily as a part of the innate immune response, it provides a crucial bridge to adaptive immunity. Once someone is infected, the mucosal immunity and barrier integrity determine the extent of the infection, and thu