
Showing posts from January, 2024

What You Should Know about Flu Antiviral Drugs - CDC

Can flu be treated? Yes. There are prescription medications called "antiviral drugs" that can be used to treat flu illness. CDC recommends prompt antiviral treatment for people who have flu or suspected flu and who are at higher risk of serious flu complications, such as people with asthma, diabetes (including gestational diabetes), or heart disease. What are flu antiviral drugs? Flu antiviral drugs are prescription medicines (pills, liquid, an inhaled powder, or an intravenous solution) that fight against flu viruses in your respiratory tract.  Antiviral drugs are not sold over the counter. You can only get them if you have a prescription from a health care provider. Antiviral drugs are different from antibiotics, which fight against bacterial infections. Antiviral drugs for flu only work to treat flu. Flu antiviral drugs are different than antiviral drugs used to treat other infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Antiviral drugs prescribed to treat COVID-19 ar

8+ Rekomendasi Obat Pilek untuk Bayi dan Cara Alaminya! - Orami

Pilek tentu membuat tidak nyaman terutama bila dialami Si Kecil yang masih bayi. Untungnya, banyak pilihan obat pilek untuk bayi yang bisa Moms gunakan dengan bijak. Salah satu penyebab anak mengalami batuk pilek adalah infeksi virus jenis rhinovirus. Kondisi ini terkadang juga disebut penyakit selesma atau common cold. Jika terjadi pada bayi Moms, kebanyakan pilek hanya berupa gejala ringan yang akan sembuh dalam 10-14 hari. Mayo Clinic menyebutkan bahwa hal tersebut terjadi karena sistem kekebalan tubuh bayi membutuhkan waktu untuk matang. Namun, itu bukan berarti Moms bisa lalai bila gejalanya menjadi serius. Konsultasikan dengan dokter untuk mencari metode pengobatan terbaik atau obat pilek untuk bayi yang aman untuk Si Kecil.  Nah, berikut ini beberapa obat pilek untuk bayi yang kerap digunakan ketika Si Kecil terkena flu. Baca Juga: Rekomendasi Obat Batuk Pilek Anak yang Mudah Ditemui Apotek Obat Pilek untuk Bayi < 1 Tahun Foto: Ilustrasi Bayi Pilek (goodtoknow.c

Yellow or Green Snot and Phlegm: What Mucus Color Means - Verywell Health

Mucus can turn different colors for a variety of reasons. White snot can occur with a cold, for example, and pink boogers can be a sign of pregnancy. And while green or yellow snot may indicate a bacterial infection—and a need for antibiotics—it can also signal that your body is on the mend. This article discusses the various colors your discharge can take on—clear, white, yellow, green pink, red, orange, brown, and black—and their possible causes. It also helps you determine if it's time to see a healthcare provider. Verywell / Theresa Chiechi Clear Mucus Mucus is made by mucus glands, which are located in the mouth, nose, throat, stomach, intestines, and vagina. Healthy, normal mucus is clear and made up of water, salt, proteins, and antibodies. Your body makes about 1.5 quarts daily to lubricate tissues and flush out germs. You may have an especially runny nose with clear snot: Rarely, watery nasal discharge can result

How to Stop a Runny Nose: Home Remedies & Medications - Verywell Health

To stop a runny nose, you need to know what's causing it. A mild runny nose from a cold will usually get better on its own with rest and plenty of fluids, while a chronic runny nose from allergies might need to be treated with medication.  This article covers home remedies and medications that can help with a runny nose, as well as the possible complications that can come from letting a runny nose go untreated.  Ridofranz / Getty Images What Causes a Runny Nose? Many things can cause a temporary runny nose ( rhinorrhea ) that comes on fast:  Long-lasting (chronic) or recurring causes of a runny nose include:  The mucus drainage can vary depending on the cause of your runny nose. If you have a virus, your mucus can be thick and yellow. If allergies are causing your runny nose, your mucus is more likely to be clear and accompanied by other allergy symptoms like itching and

What were the death tolls from pandemics in history? - Our World in Data

Pandemics have killed millions of people throughout history. How many deaths were caused by different pandemics, and how have researchers estimated their death tolls? COVID-19 has brought the reality of pandemics to the forefront of public consciousness. But pandemics have afflicted humanity for millennia. Time and again, people faced outbreaks of diseases – including influenza, cholera , bubonic plague, smallpox , and measles – that spread far and caused death and devastation. Our ancestors were largely powerless against these diseases and unable to evaluate their true toll on the population. Without good record-keeping of the number of cases and deaths, the impact of outbreaks was underrecognized or even forgotten. The result is that we tend to underestimate the frequency and severity of pandemics in history. Often, we have records of epidemics occurring in some countries but lack good records from other regions, despite knowing that the geographical impact of the disease would have

Cytokine Storm: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment - Verywell Health

Cytokine storm syndrome is a group of related medical conditions in which the immune system produces too many inflammatory signals. Cytokine storm symptoms can be mild and similar to the flu or severe and life-threatening, potentially leading to organ failure and death. Although experts are learning more every day, cytokine storm seems to be at least part of why some people develop life-threatening symptoms from COVID-19. This article discusses cytokine storm syndrome, including its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Justin Paget / Getty Images  Cytokine Storm Symptoms Cytokine storm symptoms are varied and might include: Fevers and chills Fatigue Swelling of extremities Nausea and vomiting Muscle and joint aches Headache Rash Cough Shortness of breath Rapid breathing Seizures Tremor Difficulty coordinating movements Confusion and hallucinations Lethargy and poor responsiveness Very low blood pressure and increased blood