Swapping bacteria may help 'Nemo' fish cohabitate with fish-killing anemones - Science Daily
Nemo, the adorable clownfish in the movie Finding Nemo , rubs himself all over the anemone he lives in to keep it from stinging and eating him like it does most fish. That rubbing leads the makeup of microbes covering the clownfish to change, according to a new study. Having bacterial cooties in common with anemones may help the clownfish cozily nest in anemones' venomous tentacles, a weird symbiosis that life scientists -- including now a team from the Georgia Institute of Technology -- have tried for decades to figure out. The marine researchers studied microbes on clownfish who mixed and mingled with fish-killing anemones. "It's the iconic mutualism between a host and a partner, and we knew that microbes are on every surface of each animal," said Frank Stewart, an associate professor in Georgia Tech's School of Biological Sciences. "In this particular mutualism, these surfaces are covered with stuff that microbes love to eat: mucus." Swabbing mucu