Here are the best ways to excrete excess mucus

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Mucus – friend or foe?

For the first time, the mucus in our body is formed in early childhood when we move to the cooked food. The growth of the mucus accumulates and fills all the cavities of our bodies, informs The Quebec Times.

Why the slime?

In the body of a healthy person produces 1.5 liters of mucus daily. This is a normal and necessary process. Everything in our body is in contact with the external environment, secretes mucus and it is protected. Mucus is a gel-like viscous liquid. Contains water – 95%, proteins 3% (mucin and antibodies), 1% salt, antiseptics etc.

Produced by goblet cells in the mucous membranes of the organs of vision, digestion, respiration, urinary system, intestines. It covers the mucous surfaces in all internal hollow organs – respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, ureters, urinary bladder, serves as a lubricant, included in the composition of physiological fluids (saliva, urine, bile, etc.).

There are a few places of the main accumulation of mucus: lungs, bronchi, stomach. Mucus protects us throughout life, depend on the strength of the tendons and joints, taste sensations, mood swings, metabolic and hormonal processes.

What causes excess mucus?

Often we feel the accumulation of mucus in the morning, when the throat is viscous and dense lump, or experience a cough. The abundance of mucus is produced to capture the alien elements and their withdrawal from the lymphatic and respiratory system, stomach and intestinal tract.

Often parents of young children think their child got cold, but actually this cold is not that other, as attempt of the body to get rid of excess accumulated plaque.

The body gets rid of excess mucus by means of sweat, cough, runny nose, watery eyes and high fever that required him to people ate less and gave the opportunity to carry out the necessary work of purification.

The body should be cleaned every six months – twice a year, as accumulation of toxins can cause various diseases. Frequent colds, infections, fatigue, drowsiness, inattention – this is the signs of the presence of toxins, harmful bacteria and other potentially dangerous substances.

The accumulation of excess mucus in the body.

When the body is trying to get that secret, starts a cough, fever, runny nose, bags under the eyes. If you experience these symptoms, we immediately begin to react to them: runny nose, dripping nose drops, the temperature – bring down the aspirin, but if we attack more and cough, taken antibiotics.

That is their own hands and interfere with the body to get rid of the mucus. As a result, we switch to the detoxification process from drugs, while the secret layer becomes even thicker.

Up to a point, the mucus remains clear; but if it grew too much, it becomes more dense and can have yellow, brown and even greenish tint. It coats the intestinal wall and becomes a “mediator” between the food we food and blood vessels.

In this state, our body becomes a haven for all sorts of microorganisms that eat cooked food. If we change your diet and begin to give preference to raw foods, all of these “scavengers” were immediately killed and starts the detoxification of the body. Headache, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea, which are the result of purification.

Bring the mucus out of the body.


The most effective method that will display the secret is to use fresh ginger. For this you need to clear a small piece of ginger root, cut it into thin rings, so I had about a teaspoon and pour boiling water. After the drink brewed and has cooled slightly, add 1 teaspoon of honey and squeeze a little lemon juice. Drink need warm during the day, preferably half an hour before meals.


To bring accumulations of mucus from the stomach and intestines, you need to perform a cleansing procedure. You will need a teaspoon of black pepper, it must, without chewing, swallow and drink a glass of clean water. For a better cleansing of the body this procedure should be performed in the evening to 18 hours, and only between meals. The course lasts seven days, with a frequency of performing over two days.

Lemon and horseradish.

No less effective is lemon and horseradish. You need to squeeze the juice out of five lemons and add to it 150 grams of pre-ground horseradish, then mix well. The resulting mixture should be to take a teaspoon on an empty stomach and before sleep. It facilitates complete dissolution of the secret, and thus does not irritate neither the digestive tract nor the gallbladder.

Among the herbs that allow you to cleanse the body of mucus, and of which make teas, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • cedar and pine buds;
  • the leaves of eucalyptus, black currant and mint;
  • hop cones.

You can try this collection of: tablespoon of lime blossom and two teaspoon of licorice root to brew boiling water, leave for half an hour to infuse, strain and drink hot at 150 ml before Breakfast, lunch and dinner. The full course of treatment – 30 days.

Clean the intestines of mucus, fecal stones and parasites.

In 70 years of life through the intestines passes 100 tons of food and 40 thousand liters of fluid. Summary: in the intestine accumulates more than 15 kg of fecal stones, toxic waste, poisoning the blood and causing irreparable harm to our body.

That the intestines are dirty, show:

  • frequent constipation,
  • violation of metabolism,
  • diabetes,
  • allergies,
  • excessive or insufficient weight,
  • disease of the filtering organs of the kidneys and liver,
  • diseases of hearing and vision,
  • hair skin nails
  • systemic diseases ranging from arthritis to cancer.

Using the enema is cleaned only a small portion of the colon (40-50 cm). Intestinal lavage using equipment is expensive, takes time and disrupts the intestinal flora.

The application inside 1-2 dessert spoons of flour from the seeds of the flax allows for the spirit to three weeks to completely clear the thick and thin intestines from years of mucus, fecal stones, parasites.

Flour from flax seeds should be freshly ground and is able to bind and excrete toxic substances, toxins, to reduce cholesterol in the blood. She has a broad antiparasitic spectrum of action, has a devastating effect on many species of helminths, fungi, viruses. Len has a positive effect on the regulation of lipid metabolism, that is promotes weight loss.

Indications for use:

  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, colitis;
  • ulcers disease stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • diseases of the urinary tract, pyelitis, cystitis;
  • excess body weight;
  • violation of lipid metabolism.

Method of application: is used as a component for cooking dishes with antiparasitic properties at 1 tea spoon per serving.

Colon cleanse.

Week 1: 1 teaspoon of flax meal coarse + 100 g fermented milk product (yogurt, sour cream, yogurt).

Week 2: 2 dessert spoons of linseed meal coarse + 100 g fermented milk product (yogurt, sour cream, yogurt). This mixture was taken instead of Breakfast. The thick and the thin intestines are cleaned of slime and fecal stones, parasites, while fully preserved intestinal microflora. In the period of cleaning it is necessary to stay hydrated: drink water to 2 liters a day.

One of the most natural and effective means of alternative medicine consists of just 4 simple ingredients.


  • yogurt,
  • buckwheat flour,
  • ginger,
  • med.

Yogurt is the elixir of youth and health, and buckwheat flour has excellent medicinal properties. As for ginger, it is a true miracle of nature, especially when it comes to detoxification. It also regulates bowel activity and helps burn fat.

This medicine strengthens the body, restores blood vessels, reduces fatigue, stimulates the blood circulation in the hands and feet, but also supports urinary function.

Buckwheat flour lowers blood pressure, reduces symptoms of atherosclerosis and prevents constipation. Combined with yogurt and ginger lowers blood sugar, cleanses the intestines and blood vessels, regulates metabolism and the function of the pancreas.

To prepare the mixture you will need:

  • 1 tbsp flour buckwheat;
  • 1/4 tsp ginger powder (you can use fresh ginger);
  • 200 ml of kefir;
  • 1 teaspoon of natural honey.

Preparation: carefully mix in a bowl the buckwheat flour, ginger, honey and yogurt, leave the mixture in the refrigerator overnight, the next morning the mixture was again mixed and the drug was ready for use.

The mixture should be used instead of Breakfast! It is advisable not to eat other foods within 3 hours after eating. Continue to use the drug so within 14 days. If you have elevated sugar, you can use the mixture without the addition of honey.

How to get rid of mucus in the throat?

Due to various environmental factors and diseases of the internal systems and organs in the throat slime. An increased amount of the viscous substance is produced in bronchial asthma. Goblet cells that produce mucus, thus protecting the human body and help remove allergens.

The most common cause of accumulation of products of cell secretion are diseases of upper respiratory tract bacterial, fungal, allergic, post-infectious origin.

Constant mucus in the throat may occur due to abnormal development of the region of the nasopharynx (anatomical features of the structure). Chronic constant occurrence of viscous material can occur in a period different of the diseases of the nose and its sinuses, as well as in case of curvature of its wall or the presence of polyps.

The manifestation of the disease.

The thick mucus accumulates in the throat usually in the morning. The buildup of viscous material causes a cough, is not accompanied by changes in the structure of the lungs. Sometimes the digestive fluid the opposite way gets into your throat and aggressive action annoys him.

Because of this, sometimes in the throat slime causes cough and muscle cramps, which appears the sensation of having a lump in my throat. If the contents of the stomach acidic, the buildup of viscous material will be accompanied by heartburn.

Simple ways to get rid of mucus in the throat.

To reduce the secretion of, you need to change your diet. The number of menu products with a high content of vitamin E and C should be increased, and fatty and spicy – limited. You need to drink in one day not less than one and a half liters of water. Eliminates mucus and rinse soda solution and inhalation using eucalyptus oil.

If throat slime should not eat food before sleep, you should restrict consumption of drinks containing alcohol and caffeine, especially with gases and such as Coca-Cola.

Sometimes it is enough to spend a few procedures rinsing or lavage of the nasopharynx low-concentrated solution of sea salt, allowing to thin out the mucus to remove it from the respiratory tract to dry up mucous and clear the nose. In implementing this procedure, carefully remove the snot from the back of the throat.

In addition to sea-salt for preparation of solution for rinsing you can use the following tools:

  • furatsilin;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • baking soda;
  • decoction of chamomile, sage or oak.

It is important to know that the amount of the production of mucus is influenced by some foods, so you should reconsider your diet for people faced with this problem.

To cope with mucus will also help aloe. To prepare the medication you need to take an aloe leaf, peel, chop, mix with honey and eat two a day – morning and evening. The relief is already on day 2, conduct the treatment is necessary to eliminate mucus from the throat.

An effective and safe remedy is propolis, it should be crushed to powder state, pour a glass of cold water, let it sit so the wax and other impurities rose to the surface of the water, and the propolis sat on the bottom. The resulting precipitate is to pour the alcohol in 30 g of propolis to take 100 grams of alcohol. Leave for weeks and lubricate a sore throat.

Fresh calendula petals to rinse well and mix with honey 1:1. There is a spoon after each meal until recovery.

Mucus plays an important role for our health, but when it produces too much, it turns from a useful material into a dangerous enemy.

FIA Mont.

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