GRAPHIC CONTENT: Man dies after coughing up LUNG in hospital - Express

The 36-year-old man was being treated in intensive care at the University of California San Francisco Medical Centre. After spending a week coughing up mucus and blood he died from complications. In a report in the New England Journal of Medicine surgeons said the patient had suffered from heart problems in the past. 

During the patient’s treatment he was fitted with a pacemaker and supplemented with extra oxygen. 

The report said the patient had an ejection fraction (EF) of 20 percent meaning the left ventricle was pumping less in each contraction. The normal ejection fraction is 50-75 percent. 

As well as this deficiency the patient also suffered bicuspid aortic stenosis. When blood is pumped through the left ventricle it passes through the aortic valve with three cusps, and then through the rest of the body.

With bicuspid aortic stenosis the patient only has two cusps reducing the amount of blood pumped around the body, straining the heart.

A 2006 report in the Emory University School of Medicine concluding a mere one to two percent of the US population suffer from this. 

While it is not possible to cough up an entire lung, in extreme fits of coughing branches of the lunch can be coughed up. 

A general surgery resident at UCSF told the Daily Mail: "He slowly bled which filled up the right side of the bronchial tree."

She also said the part he coughed up resembled the consistency of spaghetti.


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