COVID-19 roundup: total now at 93 with another COVID-19 case reported Friday - Owen Sound Sun Times

COVID-19 roundup: total now at 93 with another COVID-19 case reported Friday - Owen Sound Sun Times

COVID-19 roundup: total now at 93 with another COVID-19 case reported Friday - Owen Sound Sun Times

Posted: 29 May 2020 01:45 PM PDT

COVID-19. Photo supplied

For the second straight day, a new case of COVID-19 was reported in Grey-Bruce Friday, according to the health unit's daily situation report.

The new case brings the region's total to 93, with 87 cases now recovered.

Friday's case was recorded in West Grey, according to the health unit.

None of the cases is currently hospitalized, and there have been no deaths in the region attributed to the disease.

No local long-term care facilities are in a declared COVID-19 outbreak.

The health unit is cautioning against wearing gloves in a public setting for everyday activities such as shopping or retail work, according to a document posted to their website.

"Gloves can create a false sense of security. Gloves can spread the virus. If someone touches a contaminated surface while wearing gloves and then touches their face, this can transmit COVID-19. When used improperly gloves increase the risk of spreading the virus," the document reads.

According to the health unit, gloves should be worn when your hands, equipment, or surfaces may come in contact with mucous membranes, non-intact skin, tissue, blood, body fluids, secretions or excretions. Those taking care of the sick, and people who have, or may have COVID-19, should wear gloves, the health unit says.

"Medical gloves are important for healthcare workers. Gloves are not required for most routine activities in public settings and can make people less likely to wash their hands. Appropriate hand hygiene should always be the first choice," the document reads.

As businesses begin to reopen in Grey and Bruce counties the region's medical officer health said it's now a balancing act between managing the disease and managing society's response to the disease.

"Going forward the objective is to have a balanced approach between two things. We need to balance the death and disease from COVID versus the death and disease from the response to COVID," Dr. Ian Arra said.

Arra said the stress levels and mental health of people in social and physical isolation presents a real danger. especially when coupled with an unprecedented surge in unemployment numbers and a lack of available recreational outlets, which means "the sooner we can open safely the better the results will be".

"This is my mandate. This is what I was trained to do – to open as fast as we can as long as it's safe and responsible," Arra said.

The medical officer of health reminded residents that reopening society, especially the economy, and staying safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic are not competing strategies at this stage of the outbreak.

"Income is the Number 1 determinant of health," he said. "We know that the heart of our economy in Grey and Bruce is small family businesses and small business, and those businesses might not survive if this continues for long."

To that end, the public health team has been working with local businesses to guide modifications to their operations and support safe shopping.

Available on the Grey Bruce Health Unit website is a six-page "FAQ" for business operations reopening, a four-page bulletin for clothing and other retail businesses, and a three-page document of guidelines for shoppers.

Arra and the health unit will also soon partner with both Grey and Bruce counties to hold webinars with hundreds of local business owners and economic leaders.

"We're all in this together," he said.

Recently in Owen Sound, photos of a large cluster of waiting shoppers outside two popular retail shops were shared online.

Arra said the health unit was aware of the images and said that while more education and messaging are clearly needed from his team – and possible enforcement from the local authorities and store owners – the responsibility ultimately lies with the public.

"There's a responsibility for the public to do the right thing. It's really individual effort that really brought us to where we are and the relatively successful results we have," he said. "I know not everybody is going to agree to everything. You name it, there is going to be someone who is going to be not compliant to the direction, but so far I am very pleased to see the public has been really rallying and doing the right thing."

Arra reiterated that the vast majority of the public is helping to make sure the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak are limited in Grey-Bruce.

"Some people are even, how do you say, more Catholic than the Pope . . . and that's great. If you really have that much concern and ability then we're in great standing," he said.

Bruce County will reopen Saugeen River access points Saturday and its trail system on Monday, according to a media release.

Bruce County-owned river access points will be opened at seven locations including the Brant Bridge and Nagg's Bridge in the Walkerton area, and also McCurdy's Bridge, Forrester's Bridge, Turner's Bridge, the Campbell-Thede Bridge and Old Schenk's Bridge.

The Carrick Tract, Brant Tract, Kinloss Tract, Culross Tract, Amabel Tract, and the MTB Adventure Park and Bruce County Rail Trail will all be opened to the public Monday.

The Lindsay Tract will remain closed.

Provincial emergency orders prohibiting gatherings of more than five people are still in effect.

Residents should still maintain a physical distance of two-metres and practice good hand and cough hygiene when using the trail system and river access points.

* * *

Ontario Premier Doug Ford said Friday he would consider a regional approach to reopening to province Friday.

He said the possible approach would be an option considered as the province moves into Stage 2 of its reopening plan.

Health units in the GTA have recorded over 60 per cent of all COVID-19 cases in the province.

Ontario reported 344 new COVID-19 cases Friday, and 41 more deaths.

That brings the provincial total to 27,210 cases, which is an increase of 1.3 per cent over the previous day.

It includes 2,230 deaths and 20,983 cases that have been resolved.


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