
Showing posts from January, 2021

20 effective ways to get rid of phlegm and mucus - Medical News Today

20 effective ways to get rid of phlegm and mucus - Medical News Today 20 effective ways to get rid of phlegm and mucus - Medical News Today Posted: 14 Feb 2020 05:58 AM PST Phlegm is a type of mucus produced in the lungs and lower respiratory tract. It is most noticeable when a person is acutely sick or has a longstanding health condition. Mucus forms a protective lining in certain parts of the body, even when a person is well. Mucus keeps these areas from drying out and helps to defend against invaders, including viruses and bacteria. Though a healthy body requires some mucus, too much can be uncomfortable. Excess may be caused by: infections, such as the common cold or flu allergies irritation of the nose, throat, or lungs digestive conditions, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease smoking tobacco products lung diseases, such as pneumonia , lung cancer , cystic fibrosis , or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Thrush in babies and children: candida infection treatment tips - Netdoctor

Thrush in babies and children: candida infection treatment tips - Netdoctor Thrush in babies and children: candida infection treatment tips - Netdoctor Posted: 30 Jan 2021 01:16 AM PST If your baby is unexpectedly fussy during feedings or you notice white patches in their mouth or an uncomfortable rash in their nappy, they might have thrush. Thrush is a common yeast infection that is usually harmless, but it can be uncomfortable. Dr Louise Wiseman shares her expert tips on thrush in babies and children including common symptoms and treatment options: What is thrush? Thrush (also called Candida) is a common yeast infection often caused by a fungal organism called candida albicans (although there are others). This is a bug that naturally lives on the body, usually without causing any problems. But when the environment of your body is put under certain conditions, overgrowth of the candida occurs and then it can cause symptoms. Thrush

What does pneumonia feel like? Symptoms and treatment - Medical News Today

What does pneumonia feel like? Symptoms and treatment - Medical News Today What does pneumonia feel like? Symptoms and treatment - Medical News Today Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:09 AM PST Pneumonia is the medical term for inflammation of one or both lungs. The condition can occur as a result of a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection. Symptoms depend partly on the person's age and the type of pneumonia they have. While some people may not need medical treatment for pneumonia, others may require such treatment to help prevent long-term health complications or even death. This article outlines the early symptoms of pneumonia, the different kinds of pneumonia, and the differences between pneumonia, colds, and the flu. We also discuss treatment options and recovery times for people with pneumonia. The early symptoms of pneumonia may be similar to those of influenza , especially if a person has viral pneumonia. Early symptoms

What does pneumonia feel like? Symptoms and treatment - Medical News Today

What does pneumonia feel like? Symptoms and treatment - Medical News Today What does pneumonia feel like? Symptoms and treatment - Medical News Today Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:09 AM PST Pneumonia is the medical term for inflammation of one or both lungs. The condition can occur as a result of a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection. Symptoms depend partly on the person's age and the type of pneumonia they have. While some people may not need medical treatment for pneumonia, others may require such treatment to help prevent long-term health complications or even death. This article outlines the early symptoms of pneumonia, the different kinds of pneumonia, and the differences between pneumonia, colds, and the flu. We also discuss treatment options and recovery times for people with pneumonia. The early symptoms of pneumonia may be similar to those of influenza , especially if a person has viral pneumonia. Early symptoms