What does pneumonia feel like? Symptoms and treatment - Medical News Today

What does pneumonia feel like? Symptoms and treatment - Medical News Today

What does pneumonia feel like? Symptoms and treatment - Medical News Today

Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:09 AM PST

Pneumonia is the medical term for inflammation of one or both lungs. The condition can occur as a result of a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection. Symptoms depend partly on the person's age and the type of pneumonia they have.

While some people may not need medical treatment for pneumonia, others may require such treatment to help prevent long-term health complications or even death.

This article outlines the early symptoms of pneumonia, the different kinds of pneumonia, and the differences between pneumonia, colds, and the flu. We also discuss treatment options and recovery times for people with pneumonia.

The early symptoms of pneumonia may be similar to those of influenza, especially if a person has viral pneumonia.

Early symptoms of pneumonia include:

Depending on the type of pneumonia a person has, symptoms may develop gradually or come on very suddenly.

The symptoms of pneumonia vary by type.

Bacterial pneumonia

Bacterial pneumonia occurs when bacteria find their way into a lung and begin to multiply. This triggers an immune response that causes inflammation in the lower respiratory tract.

There are two types of bacterial pneumonia: typical and atypical. Atypical pneumonia differs from typical pneumonia in the following ways:

  • the bacteria responsible may cause slightly different symptoms
  • the bacteria may appear different on a chest X-ray
  • the bacteria may respond to different antibiotics

The most common type of typical bacterial pneumonia is pneumococcal pneumonia, caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae.

Some bacteria that may cause atypical bacterial pneumonia include:

  • Mycoplasma pneumoniae
  • Chlamydophila pneumoniae
  • Legionella pneumophila

Symptoms of bacterial pneumonia may include:

  • audible crackles in the chest when breathing
  • dry, or "nonproductive," cough
  • wet, or "productive," cough that may produce yellow, green, brown, or blood-tinged mucus
  • chest pain that may worsen during coughing or physical activity
  • shortness of breath
  • a temperature higher than 100.4°F (38°C) or lower than 95°F (35°C)
  • increased heart rate and breathing rate
  • headache
  • fatigue
  • body aches and pains

Viral pneumonia

Viral pneumonia develops in response to a viral infection. It tends to affect both lungs.

In adults, the most common cause of viral pneumonia is the influenza virus. In children, the most frequent cause is respiratory syncytial virus.

Many other virus types may cause viral pneumonia, including:

Viral pneumonia symptoms are very similar to those of bacterial pneumonia. However, a person may experience additional symptoms, such as:

Fungal pneumonia

Fungal pneumonia is more likely to affect people who have a chronic underlying health condition or a weakened immune system due to disease or the use of immunosuppressant medications. The most common type of fungal pneumonia in such populations is pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP).

Pneumocystis jirovecii is the fungus that causes PCP. The fungus attaches itself to the tiny air sacs, or alveoli, within the lungs, prompting the immune system to launch an inflammatory response. It is this response that causes damage to the lungs.

A person may also develop fungal pneumonia following exposure to fungal spores from soil. The following types of pneumonia-causing fungi exist in soil in some areas of the United States:

  • Coccidioidomycosis
  • Histoplasmosis
  • Cryptococcus

Symptoms of fungal pneumonia include:

  • dry cough
  • low-grade fever
  • breathing difficulties that may come on suddenly or worsen gradually over the course of several weeks

Viral vs. bacterial pneumonia symptoms

Although viral and bacterial pneumonia symptoms can be very similar, there are some key differences between the two. The section below outlines some examples.

  • Lungs affected: Bacterial pneumonia tends to affect one particular part, or lobe, of a lung, whereas viral pneumonia typically affects both lungs.
  • Symptom onset: The symptoms of bacterial pneumonia can develop either suddenly or gradually, whereas symptoms of viral pneumonia typically develop over several days.
  • Symptoms: People with bacterial pneumonia usually experience a higher temperature and a wet cough, whereas people with viral pneumonia tend to experience a lower temperature and a dry cough. Also, those with viral pneumonia often present with the flu and gastrointestinal symptoms, which people with bacterial pneumonia typically do not develop.

The symptoms of pneumonia can vary across different age groups.

Babies and infants may not show any signs of infection. If symptoms do appear, they may include:

  • cough
  • vomiting
  • fever
  • restlessness
  • lethargy

According to the American Lung Association (ALS), older adults are more likely to experience fewer and milder symptoms of pneumonia compared with people in younger age groups.

However, older adults are at increased risk of developing a sudden change in mental awareness as a result of pneumonia.

Several home remedies and medical treatments can help people recover from a case of pneumonia.

Home remedies

There are several steps a person can take to help their body heal from pneumonia. Examples include:

  • taking ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help control pain and fever
  • drinking plenty of fluids to maintain hydration and loosen phlegm
  • using humidifiers, as well as taking steamy baths or showers, to make breathing easier
  • avoiding smoking or being around secondhand smoke or wood smoke
  • resting as much as possible to help promote healing

Learn more about home remedies for pneumonia here.

Medical treatment

The medical treatment for pneumonia depends on the type of pneumonia a person has.

Bacterial pneumonia

Doctors will prescribe antibiotics for people with bacterial pneumonia. A doctor may ask a person to come back within 2 days to assess the treatment and to make sure that people do not require hospitalization.

A doctor may also suggest that a person does the following to reduce their risk of bacterial pneumonia in the future:

Viral pneumonia

A doctor may prescribe antiviral medication for viral pneumonia. However, many people will recover simply by resting and managing their symptoms at home.

If a person has both viral and bacterial pneumonia, their doctor may also prescribe antibiotics.

Fungal pneumonia

If a person has fungal pneumonia, a doctor may prescribe a course of oral or intravenous therapy. This may consist of an antifungal treatment along with possibly glucocorticoids to reduce lung inflammation.

Some people may require mechanical ventilation to help them breathe.

Recovery times for pneumonia differ from person to person.

According to the ALS, some people experience symptom improvement within 1 week, while others may experience symptom improvement after a month or more. In either case, symptoms of tiredness and lethargy may continue for another month or so.

It is important to follow treatment recommendations from a doctor. Doing so will reduce the risk of complications. Possible complications of pneumonia include:

  • respiratory failure resulting in a need for mechanical ventilation
  • lung abscesses, where pus forms inside or around the lung
  • sepsis, which is uncontrolled inflammation that may lead to organ failure and can be fatal

It is important to contact a doctor if a person believes that they or a member of their family is experiencing symptoms of pneumonia. While some people may be able to recover at home without medical assistance, others may need medication or hospitalization.

People should seek immediate medical attention if they experience any of the following symptoms:

Pneumonia refers to inflammation of one or both lungs. The condition can develop as a result of a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection of the lungs.

The symptoms of pneumonia may vary according to a person's age and the type of pneumonia they have. Possible symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, and fever or chills.

For people who are otherwise healthy, pneumonia symptoms may begin to improve within a month or so. Some people recover at home simply by resting and using over-the-counter medications. Others may require medical treatment or hospitalization.

A person should see their doctor if they experience symptoms of pneumonia. Anyone who experiences severe symptoms should seek emergency medical attention.

Silicon Valley elites are poisoning themselves with frog mucus, an ancient practice reported to increase physi - Business Insider India

Posted: 07 Jan 2021 12:00 AM PST

  • Silicon Valley tech executives have been experimenting with kambo, a type of frog mucus indigenous Amazonian people have used for centuries to detox themselves mentally and physically.
  • When a person takes kambo and essentially poisons themselves, their face will swell up and they'll either vomit or have diarrhea. Afterwards, users have reported increased strength, mental clarity, and calmness.
  • Trained practitioners give kambo, but it does come with risks. If a person drinks too much water and lowers their blood salt levels, it could lead to death.

Silicon Valley elites are employing an ancient Amazonian frog-mucus ritual to rid themselves of stress.

The practice, called kambo, involves burning the skin with a smoldering vine or wooden stick and then smearing frog mucus on top so it absorbs into the bloodstream for its poisonous and vomit-inducing properties. This ritual, as kambo expert practitioners told the New York Times, is meant to cause a physical and mental exorcism of sorts.

Practitioners apply a paste made from kambo resin mixed with water or saliva to pencil eraser-sized burn holes in the arm or ankle. Moments later, users' lips swell up, they feel nauseous, and often end up with diarrhea and vomiting.
Afterwards, users have reported feeling physically stronger, more mentally sharp, and less anxious.

It's the latest drug to become popular in tech industry circles due to its potential mental health benefits.

"Last year, none of my patients had ever heard of kambo," Dr. David Rabin, a psychiatrist and neuroscientist in Monterey, California, told the New York Times. "Now, I would say 20% to 30% of my new patients already know about it. I have a lot of patients who are like, 'Oh, I'm going to do kambo this weekend.'"


Previously, Silicon Valley executives have both invested in and experimented with psychedelics like LSD, ayahuasca, ketamine, and MDMA as a mounting body of research suggests psychedelic drugs have the ability to rewire the brain and reduce anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms.

Kambo has ancient roots and comes from frog mucus

Kambo is a poison derived from the giant monkey frog in the Amazon Jungle in South America. The bright green frogs secrete a poison on their legs and back when stressed, and that poison is scraped off and dried for human use, according to psychedelics education and advocacy organization The Third Wave.

Before the drug became popularized in the Western world around 1994, indigenous Amazonian people used kambo for centuries as a way to ward off disease and offer spiritual and full-body detoxification.

Now, practitioners around the world offer kambo sessions in group settings. In San Francisco, the kambo curious can try the drug for $150, the New York Times reported. On the outskirts of London, one practitioner offers five-person sessions for $85 per person, Vice reported.

Unlike psychedelic drugs that often cause nausea, kambo is legal in the United States and most of the world. Only in Brazil is kambo not allowed to be sold or advertised for consumer use.

Right after taking kambo, you'll vomit or poop

When you take kambo you're poisoning yourself, and the effects - swelling of the lips and eyes, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increased heart rate, fever, faintness, and chills - are almost immediate.

"They call it 'frog face,'" Julia Allison, a media strategist in San Francisco, told the New York Times. "It kind of looks like a celebrity plastic surgeon went to town on your face, like Kim Kardashian in a fun-house mirror. And then, suddenly, you are unbelievably nauseous. You're basically going from zero to the worst flu of your life within 60 seconds."

Another user, Emma, told Vice's Max Daly that kambo made her feel "like my brain was being punched from the inside."
These effects are short-lived though, and tend to subside about 40 minutes later once practitioners remove kambo from the skin. After a kambo session, people tend to feel tired and might fall asleep.

Kambo users have reported increased energy and physical strength

Hours or days later, users start to experience the benefits, and people have reported increased physical strength and stamina, mental sharpness, and less anxiety.

Kambo hasn't been studied as much as psychedelic drugs like "magic" mushrooms, or psilocybin, LSD, ketamine, and MDMA, but researchers believe the poison could offer similar benefits because it shocks a user's system.

"Kambo is not scientifically proven for treatment, but I would not be at all surprised if kambo worked well in cases of depression, because there are so many substances in it that affect the brain," Chris Shaw, an emeritus professor at the School of Pharmacy at Queen's University, Belfast, and a global expert on the study of frog skin secretions, told Vice. "Taking kambo leads to a massive rearrangement and overload of the nervous system; it changes our neurochemistry."

Indeed, kambo interacts with the brain's opioid receptors that change a person's "mental state," Harry Sumnall, a professor in substance use at the Centre for Public Health at Liverpool John Moores University, told Vice.

Using kambo comes with risks

There are risks associated with using kambo.

People have died from drinking too much water after a kambo session or mistaking a different frog for the giant monkey frog and incorrectly poisoning themselves.

There's also one reported case of a man dying suddenly after likely self-administering the drug. That's why experts recommend people thoroughly vet and hire trained practitioners when taking the drug.

The small wounds created to administer kambo through the skin can also lead to scarring as they heal.

According to Psychedelic Times, people with brain injuries, heart conditions, pregnancies, and low blood pressure should avoid using kambo.


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