Opinion | The COVID diaries: When Omicron comes calling - Hamilton Spectator
I'm uncertain of exactly how I caught this (there are a few possibilities), but I 10/10 do not recommend. Day 1: Woke up with a bit of a headache, though fairly certain that was due to the Pinot Grigio from the night before, not the plague. By midday, I noticed a slight cough. Therefore, I had a cold. Right? Day 2: So, so tired. Weary. I am not a napper, mostly because I have to conk myself out every night with a sleeping pill and that is not recommended if you only want a short snooze. Still coughing. Curled up in bed not-napping, but unable to do anything as strenuous as sitting on a chair in the living room. Still refused to entertain it might be COVID-19, and we only had two tests, and they wouldn't register yet, so can't waste them. Much swearing about Doug Ford having a garage full of tests while I had to get a friend in Nova Scotia to mail me some back in December. Zero appetite. Wait: Is this the chance to lose the pandemic weight? Day 3: Test. Positive. Dammit. Sl