Debunking Common Cold Myths: Expert Advice on Prevention and Treatment - Everyday Health

There's nothing worse than feeling like everyone around you is coughing, sneezing, and sniffling and catching a cold is inevitable.

You may rely on a few strategies to avoid getting sick or to treat a cold once you're ill because you're still following advice you've absorbed over the years from your parents, grandparents, or other fonts of folk wisdom.

But these recommendations may be more myth than fact.

Read on for some common misconceptions about catching or recovering from a cold —with the real facts provided by actual healthcare experts.

1. Myth: Antibiotics Treat a Cold

Fact: "Antibiotics treat infections caused by bacteria, and colds are caused by viruses," says Daron Gersch, MD, a family physician with CentraCare Hospital in Long Prairie, Minnesota, and a board member of the American Academy of Family Physicians. "Antibiotics work by killing bacteria or slowing its growth, and can treat bacterial infections like bronchitis, strep throat, and ear infections. However, they cannot 'cure' viral infections and can actually cause dangerous antibiotic resistance if used too often and incorrectly."

2. Myth: Vitamin C Prevents Colds

Fact: "The evidence is not clear as to the impact of vitamin C," says Catherine Ling, PhD, RN, an associate professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing in Baltimore. "There is some evidence that it may shorten the duration of a cold slightly for some people. But people who have kidney disease and those who are pregnant should not be taking large doses of vitamin C. Large doses can cause gastrointestinal upset."

3. Myth: Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever

Fact: "People should rest and hydrate," Dr. Ling says. "If you don't feel like eating or are running a fever, it is critical to stay hydrated and keep the fluids and electrolytes on hand. Chicken soup really is excellent — easily digestible protein, hydration, and steam all help you heal."

4. Myth: Going Outside With Wet Hair Will Give You a Cold

Fact: "While going outside with wet hair may make you feel cold, it will not cause a cold or other sickness," Dr. Gersch says. "Illnesses are caused by viruses and bacteria, typically when you're in close contact with another person who is sick. That said, you should make sure you're wearing warm clothing to protect against harsher climates."

5. Myth: Consuming Dairy Foods Means More Mucus

Fact: "Dairy can make mucus thicker and may not sit well in the stomach of someone running a fever," Ling says. "However, dairy does not increase mucus production as a general rule. Some folks with a sore throat may find frozen or cold dairy products like popsicles or yogurt to be soothing."

6. Myth: Colds Don't Cause Fevers, Only Flu Does

Fact: "Colds and the flu are caused by different viruses but can have similar symptoms," Ling says. "You may or may not run a fever or feel achy or tired with both. A fever is one of your body's defense mechanisms to kill off foreign invaders."

7. Myth: Your Cold Isn't Contagious Unless You Have a Fever

Fact: "A person doesn't have to have a fever to be contagious," Gersch says. "In fact, some people may have very few symptoms but can still be contagious, as we've seen with COVID-19." While COVID-19 can be contagious up to two days before symptoms appear, "Colds can be contagious even a day before symptoms begin, and are most contagious in the first four days after symptoms start," says Gersch. "Viruses can stay in the body for weeks even after symptoms have gone away, but the chance of spreading infection lessens as time goes on."

8. Myth: You Can't Really Do Much to Prevent Colds

Fact: "During the winter months it's more important than ever to take precautions against colds and other illnesses," Gersch says.

The best ways to prevent a cold include:

  • Washing hands frequently with soap
  • Cleaning commonly touched surfaces like tables, counters and toys with disinfectants
  • Staying hydrated
  • Eating healthy, nutrient-rich foods to boost the immune system
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Staying away from others who are sick

While there isn't a vaccine for the common cold, other vaccines can also help prevent respiratory infections that can cause cold-like symptoms, Gersch adds. These include flu vaccines, COVID-19 vaccines, and, for people who are eligible, RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) vaccines.

9. Myth: Medications Can Cure a Cold

Fact: "Medications can not cure a cold," Ling says. "There is no cure for a common cold. Medications can decrease your symptoms, like fever and body aches. The actual cure for a cold is rest, hydration, and time."

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